Sunday, February 12, 2012

what's a girl to do?

Alrighty. The goal is to blog and a blogging I go. There's just one slight snare in this plan. My digital camera is broken. Kaputt, finite, done for! Every picture it takes is a fuzzy mess. See, right now I would insert a picture of me making a sad face while holding my camera but alas, this can not be done. So in short, my blogging is doomed to be boring for a while. Le sigh. To cheer myself up, I've inserted a picture of a VEWWWY cute baby seal and a baby shaving.

Now, what was the point of this blog entry? Apparently to find some excuse for my lack of blogging and complain to the 2 people that read this blog. WHOOOOOOO!!! Hope you guys enjoyed ;)

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