Reasons I'm Beautiful
- I make an effort to smile at others, especially those that look like they need it.
- If someone does something mean or rude, I try not to take it as a personal insult or say "they're a jerk" but instead attribute it to outside forces. (He was probably running late. They may have just failed a really important test. She probably is really nervous about something going on in her family). We all have our less then shining moments after all.
- My eyes change colors from blue to green to match what I wear.
- I work hard and try to do so joyfully.
- I love the Lord and I love the gospel.
- My nose looks like a little button.
- I truly care about others and choose not to hold grudges.
- I can make a baby laugh by making funny faces.
- My mother is beautiful so I've got to get some of her looks.
- I am able to see the good in every situation.
To quote a girl from school, "I'm beautiful because I say so, not because someone told me."
And guess what? You're beautiful too.
And guess what? You're beautiful too.
I think that you are very beautiful, love.